Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Abel Tasman pics

So here they are, pics from my Abel Tasman trek. I really enjoyed the trek and met some really amazing people along the trail to share the experience with. Found out that my knee wasn't quite ready for supporting a heavy load and had to water taxi my way back out once I reached Bark Bay, but it was alright because I was able to help out some new friends, and I would have just been hiking back along the same trail I had already done. Images go from bottom to top, sorry. No photoshop done on any of them, that's the true color!

Relaxing, waiting for the bus back to Nelson.

The crew! Well.. most of it!

View of bark bay from the trail

Food for the trek

Monday, January 19, 2009

So I'm stuck sick in Kaikoura at the moment. Came down with a bad case of Tonsilitus, which sucks. After the initial meds didn't work out so well, I'm now on a strict diet of 'kick your ass until you get better' drugs! After two doses, I'm already feeling a big difference which is good. Anyway, I realized I never put up the pictures form our eel incident, so enjoy! I'll post some pictures from the Abel Tasman later!