Well good news. Zac's ankle is only sprained which means no cast, and hopefully a speedy recovery. Hopefully it doesn't act like my ankle did earlier this year when I sprained it.. In the meantime he's taken up the role as personal water photographer! I picked out the best shots of the morning to put on here, he couldn't get as many as he wanted though, the battery on Stu's camera died. Needless to say its charging as I type. Zac turns out to be a great water photographer, not something that's easy to do. You can click on the photos to make them bigger if you haven't figured this out already! Enjoy.
Nice photos zac. you ARE an excellent water photographer. these are the best and i'm glad to know i can enlarge them and see your beautiful faces. it looks sunnier, brighter now- just gorgeous. thanks guys and heal quickly zac. love you.
nice ripcurl mattie, how thick is that? looks warm, can't say i'm not jealous still waiting for some swell
You guys sound like you are having a blast! Zac, take the advil...it will help with the swelling and blood flow to promote healing. We just had a good run of surf, nice swell with hard offshores. Its the first quality swell that you guys have missed out on so far. Looks like the tow contest is this Sunday as well. I'm glad that it will be over with, hopefully things will go back to normal.
nice pictures you guys keep it up!
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