That says T&C Surf NZ!?

View north of Raglan

Raglan, this one's the second point, you can see indicators in the background.

Our rental Car.. notice the different color door??

The plane.
A quick photo update. We are in New Plymouth right now. Haven't checked the surf yet today, there's supposed to be a nice groundswell hitting today or tomorrow but we'll see. I met up with the guys last week in Raglan and surfed Indicators there. Epic wave even though it was more or less Oregon like conditions. Then we took off for the east coast due to the forecast of a storm in the near future. We ended up in a hostel in the small town of Whakatane, up in the Bay of Plenty. The drive was a lot longer than we thought, and it was getting dark so we called it a night there, even though the surf was blown out and flat. The next day, we cut down the island and ended up in Gisbourne, where we stayed for 4 nights. There was an awesome right hand point called Makiori point there with some really fun little waves, but the swell was slowly dying the whole time we were there. There was a grom contest while we were there too, so there were grommets running around the campground we were staying at two of the nights it was funny. On sunday, we left Gisbourne after checking the surf at an internet cafe (its amazingly hard to find free or even pay for wireless here!) with a plan to head back to the westcoast and surf the Taranaki area of the island. We made it halfway to Taupo, which is a cool little town next to the huge lake in the middle of the island. We crashed in a neat and cheap hostel there for the night and took off for New Plymouth yesterday. The drive was absolutely ridiculous. It took the major part of the day and was the heaviest road I've ever driven. It was a state highway called the Forgotton Land Highway, and boy did they mean it. Over 30 minutes of the road was gravel, and one lane. There were crazy washouts, blind corners next to cliffs and just basically everything you could think of for a ridiculous road. Even sheep in the road was a concern!! Anwyay, we made it here last night, we went out to eat because we were all getting sick of pasta, rice and vegies. I'll post more photos later, I'm on a public computer right now and these were saved on here as a draft I did earlier.
man those pics sure look good and you guys have some nice timing as far as getting out of oregon its been prue slop here. Live the dream.
You are making me miss New Zealand so much! i am so glad you are having a good time.
Hot damn. Communication! And real, full-color prints! Apparently you've suffered no major damage. I guess learning to drive on narrow, unpaved roads through the mountains in Oregon is paying off. Remember the Alsea River road???? Dude. What a great trip you are having. The weather in Oregon stinks, unless you love crazy storms. The waves have been absolutely huge. Enjoy, Dude.
Sounds like you guys are having a good time! I can tell you that your (Mattie's) timing to leave was perfect... we have had storm after storm come marching down from the north. Rain, wind and large swells. Thankfully, we're gonna get a little break in the trend this weekend. There calling for high pressure and the offshore's to blow all weekend!
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